scamper in repose

About Scamper Laboratories

Scamper Labs is a showcase for the work of Jeff “Scamper” Robinson, master design wizard, raconteur, sometime thaumaturge, and general bon vivant. I am concerned about the design of user interfaces.

By “concerned” I mean that I spent 90% of my days tackling UI challenges, with just a splash of logo and icon design to keep things interesting. I’ve worked at such illustrious organizations as Worlds Inc., LookSmart Ltd., Technorati, Scout Labs / Lithium Technologies, and now at Beckon.

When the moon is out I tend to more subversive campaigns. I am currently in the process of writing my first novel (using Scrivener), and I occasionally dabble at music composition… just enough to maintain my dilettante cred. I am addicted to video games, and chocolate.

I presently live inside of a house on the surface of Emeryville, California.


Scamper Labs was produced on a Mac, with Photoshop for the looksie bits, and BBEdit for the twiddly bits.


the phage
A cautionary pictorial about the universality of unrequited love

Worlds Chat tour
A tour through a primeval virtual space that I worked on in the mid-90s
